Cookie Captain

AI Prompt:

gary is a chocolate chip cookie that dreams of becoming a professional wrestler. however, gary’s parents do not approve of his decision. gary’s parents are a thirty two year old polish american sausage vendor and a jumbo bag of circus peanuts named clarissa. clarissa speaks english poorly as french is her first language. please write a 300 word conversation with gary and his parents. gary should announce his intentions to become a professional wrestler and his parents should try to convince him why this is a terrible idea.


Gary was nervous as he approached his parents, but he knew he had to tell them his dreams. He took a deep breath and began.

“Mom, Dad, I’ve decided that I want to become a professional wrestler,” Gary announced.

His parents looked at him in shock. “What?! No, Gary, that’s a terrible idea,” his mother Clarissa exclaimed in her thick French accent.

“But why not? I’ve always loved wrestling and I think I could be really good at it,” Gary countered.

“Because it’s dangerous, Gary. You could get seriously hurt,” his father, the Polish American sausage vendor, added.

“I know it’s dangerous, but I’m willing to take that risk. Wrestling is my passion and I want to pursue it,” Gary insisted.

Clarissa shook her head. “No, no, no. You need to think about your future, Gary. Wrestling is not a stable career.”

“I understand that it’s not a traditional career path, but I believe I have what it takes to make it,” Gary argued.

“You’re just a cookie, Gary. You don’t have muscles or bones. How can you even think about wrestling?” his father scoffed.

Gary felt a pang of disappointment at his father’s lack of faith in him. “Just because I’m a cookie doesn’t mean I can’t be a wrestler. I may not have muscles or bones, but I have heart and determination.”

Clarissa sighed. “Gary, we just want what’s best for you. We don’t want to see you get hurt or fail.”

“I appreciate your concern, Mom, Dad. But I have to follow my dreams. Wrestling is what makes me happy and fulfilled,” Gary said firmly.

His parents exchanged a glance before finally nodding in resignation. “Alright, Gary. If this is truly what you want, we won’t stand in your way. But please promise us that you’ll be careful and take care of yourself,” Clarissa said.

Gary smiled, feeling grateful for his parents’ acceptance. “Thank you, Mom, Dad. I promise I’ll do my best.”

AI Prompt:

gary is a chocolate chip cookie that dreams of becoming a professional wrestler. however, gary’s parents do not approve of his decision. gary’s parents are a thirty two year old polish american sausage vendor named JubJub and a jumbo bag of circus peanuts named clarissa. clarissa speaks english poorly as french is her first language. please write a 400 word conversation with gary and his parents. gary should announce his intentions to become a professional wrestler and his parents should try to convince him why this is a terrible idea. Gary runs from his parents and falls into a glass of milk and nearly disolves until his father JubJub leaps in and saves him. This experience convinces Gary to become the world’s first cookie submarine captain.


Gary: Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you. I want to become a professional wrestler!

JubJub: What? Gary, you’re a cookie. You can’t just become a wrestler.

Clarissa: Oui, mon cheri. You should consider another career path.

Gary: But wrestling has been my dream since I was a little cookie dough ball! I want to entertain people and show them what I’m made of.

JubJub: Gary, being a wrestler is a dangerous profession. You could get hurt badly or even worse.

Clarissa: Oui, it’s true. You should think about your safety.

Gary: But I believe in myself and my abilities. I know I can do it.

JubJub: Gary, we love you and we want what’s best for you. Becoming a wrestler is not a wise choice. There are other ways to make people happy.

Clarissa: Oui, mon petit, perhaps you can become a chef and make delicious treats for people to enjoy.

Gary: I appreciate your concern, but I have to follow my dreams. I have to take risks in order to achieve greatness.

Suddenly, Gary runs away from his parents and accidentally falls into a giant glass of milk.

Gary: Oh no! I’m dissolving!

JubJub: Hang on, Gary! I’m coming to save you!

JubJub jumps into the milk and pulls Gary out just in time.

JubJub: Are you okay, son?

Gary: Yes, Dad. Thank you for saving me.

JubJub: That was a close call. You see, Gary, wrestling is not the only risky thing out there. Sometimes even the simplest things can be dangerous. You need to be careful.

Gary: I understand, Dad. I’ve decided to become the world’s first cookie submarine captain. It’s still risky, but I believe I can do it while also being safe.

Clarissa: Oui, mon cheri! That is a brilliant idea!

JubJub: We’re proud of you, son. Whatever you choose to do, just remember to be safe and take care of yourself.

Gary: I will, Dad. Thank you for supporting me.